Zarah Kofler

Zarah Kofler

Klostermann & Thamm (Main agency)
Helene Thamm (Agent)
open agency on Filmmakers

About me

Zarah Kofler is born in the alps of Austria, where she became a trained seamstress, moving to London to work in fashion, costume, casting direction. Modeling, dancing and performing in London ́s underground queer scene.

Zarah is playing and performing at the Volksbühne am Rosa- Luxemburg- Platz theatre in Berlin since the season 2021/22.
Since then she is working with René Pollesch, Julien Gosselin, the collective Gob Squad and was part of Lydia Haider ́s performance- series „Halbtoter Salon“ in the „Roter Salon“ for the season 2022/23.
She started acting in the young ensemble „P14“ where she starred in many of the plays shown in the 3rd floor of the theatre.
Zarah plays the role of Arthur Schnitzler ́s „Fräulein Esle“ in the play „Extinction“ by Julien Gosselin. The play was premiering at the 77th edition of the Festival d ́Avignon and at the Wiener Festwochen.

This season she is working with the director Kornél Mundruczó on the play "Method" which premiered in autumn at the Volksbühne am Rosa- Luxemburg- Platz. In her recent work "Weiße Witwe" by Kurdwin Ayub Zarah portrays the Soldier Jessica. The play premiered in February 2025 and will be shown at the Wiener Festwochen this summer.


Acting age
22-30 years
Place of birth
Hall in Tirol
Height (cm)
Weight (in kg)
Eye color
Hair color
Hair length
Place of residence
Berlin (DE)
Housing options
Vienna (AT), Paris (FR), London (GB), Innsbruck (AT), New York (US)
AustrianBairischEnglish-StandardLondonLow GermanTyrolean(native dialect)Viennese
Bass guitarGuitar
AerobicsBasketballFitnessGymnasticsHikingKickboxingMountain hikingPilatesSnowboardingTae Bo
Belly danceDiscoExperimental danceExpressionist danceHip hopPerformanceRock & rollTechnoBachataBurlesqueDancehall
Main profession


Other professional training

Theatre Fabrica Athens
Die Schauspielfabrik Berlin


Oh Katharina (nominated) (Short film)
Oh Katharina (nominated) (Short film)
The French Flamingo Fucker (nominated) (Medium length film)
Menschen Im Hof - Stars im Hof (Mini series)
A Circle Line Train (Moodfilm)


Nevermore (Short film)
Panti (MR) Dominik Backhaus, Victor Tibor Buzalka Producer: Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin Written by: Julia Rose Gostynski
Rave (Cinema film)
Eso (SR) Nikias Chryssos, Viktor Jakovleski Producer: Friendship Films GmbH, Telospictures (de) Casting Director: Liza Stutzky, Nathalie Meschel Written by: Nikias Chryssos, Viktor Jakovleski
Sonntags im Museum (Short film)
Supporting role Arda Görkem Producer: Deutsche Film- und Fernsehakademie Berlin Written by: Arda Görkem
Sternenstaub Glasiert (Short film)
Martini Schwester (SR) Adam Gräbedünkel Producer: Filmuniversität Babelsberg Konrad Wolf Written by: Levin Sun
Sister Sleep (Moodfilm)
Protagonist (MR) M.N.Hempenius, Noah Swan Producer: The Midnight Audience
French Flamingo Fucker (Medium length film)
Lea (SR) Leonard Geisler, Louis Gering Distribution: Dffb
Oben Ohne (Cinema film)
Die Krankenpflegerin (SR) Juan Bermúdez, Julia Goldsby, Isis Rampf, Willie Reinecke, Anna Schröder Producer: IFS, Filmschule Babelsberg
Genug - Mark Forster (Music video)
Protagonistin (MR) Kim Frank Producer: Mira Rosenmeier Distribution: Mark Forster
Sturm (Short film)
Isa (MR) Sarah Sommer
Her- Fee Aviv (Music video)
her (SR) Greta Markurt, Luna Zscharnt
Oh Katharina (Short film)
Katharina (MR) Lisa Polster Distribution: Filmuni Babelsberg
Menschen im Hof (Mini series)
Tok (EL) Rojin Haddad, Colette Callecc
Stille- Savvy feat. Morea (Music video)
Lisa (MR) Savvy, Philipp Henke Producer: Thomas Erhardts
Parkpank- Savvy feat. Majan (Music video)
Lisa (MR) Savvy, Philipp Henke Producer: Thomas Erhardts
Hol dir dein- Savvy (Music video)
Lisa (MR) Savvy Producer: Thomas Erhardts
A Circle Line Train (Short film)
Sofia (MR) Martin Venier Producer: Martin Venier Distribution: Mogg Collective
Major- Fhat (Music video)
Dancer (SR) Kristin Bogan
Heart shaped box- Lui Hill (Music video)
Protagnistin (MR) Nicolas Blanchdadell
Strangers- Andreas Vey (Music video)
Nicolas Blanchadell Producer: Humming Records Distribution: The Orchard Music
Tanz für mich - Provinz (Music video)
Supporting role Leonel Dietsche Producer: Leonel & Ruben Distribution: Universal
Hieronymous- Lifeboat (Music video)
Dancer (MR) Caro Siegl Distribution: Hieronymous Music
Heart shaped Box- Lui Hill (Music video)
Freundin (MR) Nicolas Blanchadell Producer: Universal
Zarah- Pictured (Short documentary)
Zarah (MR) Nicolas Blanchadell Distribution: Nicolas Blanchadell
Periode 28 (Moodfilm)
Khloe (MR) Annika Müller, Alex Tank Producer: Annika Müller, Alex Tank Distribution: Blitz Opaque
Wo ist der Punk? - Exclusive (Music video)
Main role Marco Fumolo Producer: Lichtspielhaus Pictures
West Texas (Moodfilm)
The woman (MR) Samuel Geroldi
The Cool Universe (Documentary fiction)
Lea (SR) Angel Rose England Producer: Angel Rose England


Oh Hell 2 (Series)
Die Interviewerin (ESR) Sarah Blaßkiewitz Producer: Moritz von der Groeben Station: Magenta TV, Warner TV Comedy Distribution: good friends Filmproduktion Casting Director: Liza Stutzky Written by: Johannes Boss


Weiße Witwe (Drama)
Leibsoldatin Jessica, Leyla (SR) Kurdwin Ayub Producer: Wiener Festwochen Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Kurdwin Ayub, Ensemble
Method (Drama)
Rose (SR) Kornél Mundruczó Producer: Volksbühne am Rosa- Luxemburg- Platz Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Kata Wéber
Fräulein Else (MR) Julien Gosselin Producer: SVPLMC, Volksbühne, Wiener Festwochen, Festival d´Avignon, Festival d’Automne à Paris Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Thomas Bernhard, Arthur Schnitzler, Hugo von Hoffmannsthal
Herr und Knecht (Drama)
Knecht Nikita (MR) Niklas Dräger Theater: Theaterakademie August Everding Written by: Lew Tolstoi
Toter Salon 5 (Other)
Bote (GR) Lydia Haider, Sophia Süßmilch Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Lydia Haider
Herr Puntila und das Riesending in Mitte (Drama)
Chor 8 (SR) René Pollesch Producer: Volksbühne am Rosa- Luxemburg Platz Theater: Volksbühne Written by: René Pollesch
HALBTOT 1 - 6 (Other)
Dienerin (MR) Lydia Haider Producer: Lydia Haider Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Lydia Haider
TEX (Drama)
Angel (MR) Shelly Foreshaw, Lea Becker Producer: P14 Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Shelly Foreshaw
Is anybody home? (Drama)
Zarah Kofler (GR) Gob Squad Producer: Prater Studios Theater: Volksbühne
Teatro D´Amore e D´Anarchia (Drama)
Salomé (MR) Milan Herms Producer: P14 Theater: Volksbühne
Cleo oder eine kurze, beschwerliche Reise ohne Happy End (Drama)
Die Taxifahrerin, Die Geigerin (SR) Greta Markurt, Luna Zscharnt Producer: P14 Theater: Volksbühne Written by: Naomi Achternbusch, Josefin Fischer, Luna Zscharnt
Level 143- Grandmotel Abgrund (Drama)
Ellie (MR) Colette Callec + Leon Geisler Producer: P14 Theater: Volksbühne
Beim Rausgehen bitte die Tür zumachen (Drama)
Z (SR) P14 Producer: P14 Theater: Volksbühne
Amor’s Psyche
Leander Dörr


Audi - Jonas Lindström (Commercial)