Hi and a good day to everyone reading this. I am a german - well actually bavarian (but, big BUT with two northern german granparents who both fell in love with a bavarian in the 1940s )-actress. My family name Klebow is originated in Poland, where there is a small town by that name. My grandfather was born and raised with his three siblings in a small town named Answalde near todays Steczin and fell terribly in love with my Bavarian Grandmother Hilde. So that is how the name Klebow came to Munich. We were the only ones there with that name. And i went even further south with it and brought it to Vienna. Curious where my children will take it?
Yeah, i am a proud mom of two, a wife and still- or because of that(!) (yes girls you know what i am talking about ;-) )- a feminist and activist. I am still working for several NGOs like the Jane Goodall Institute, Greenpeace, NPPL Betty Williams (Citta della Pace) …. Yes i kept my teenage heart for activism and think we fight the good fight for our childrens future. I love my job and i am proud to work for nearly two decades (yes i am that old, or young?) on a famous an beloved tv show, Soko Wien/Donau as one of the maincharacters.
Years ago i was ashamed of the fact that i wasn‘t on several films, movies or shows, nowerdays i am proud and VERY THANKFUL and HUMBLE. Because it is a honour to play a character for such a long time. As much as it is a challenge. I was never bored. Ever.
My character and me grew apart as we grew older together, and i love that. She the strong, independet, but lonely one. Me the mom, the lifelover, the carer, the fullhearted, the zen, the yogi, the seeker, the smiler, the somuchinmytime-makeitallhappen-girl. I love my job but i love life more. That what makes me a good actress. I am not vain or full of ego. I am fluent, open and curious. This job does not need to hurt (at least in my opinion), i love to entertain, to do comedy, improvisation, i love dark sides, bit i do not have the self-destructuve gene, what doesn't make me superficial ;-) . I am also a singer, a yogi, do meditations and cook jam. I study at all times. I am a seeker. I write. My first book was published in 2021. Journey back to myself. And i am like i am. And i love to get to know you. Since you read it all.