George Lenz

George Lenz


Acting age
52-62 years
Year of birth
1967 (57 years)
Place of birth
Height (cm)
Eye color
Hair color
Ethnicity and heritage
White or Caucasian
Place of residence
Salzburg (AT)
Housing options
Munich (DE), Berlin (DE), Hamburg (DE), Düsseldorf (DE), Vienna (AT), London (GB)
German, Austrian
Alpine skiingJudoScuba divingHorse riding
Main profession
Special skills
Driver's licenses
B - Car


Primary professional training

Schauspiel München

Other professional training

Schauspiel München, Fricsay Kali Son (HFF-Seminar)
Frank Betzelt
Workshop bei Björn Johnson (USA)


Flügge (Short film)
Dani Rose Cortés und Leopold Schraudolph
Freuds Last Session (Feature film)
Matt Brown Producer: Wacha Film, 14 Sunset, Last Session Productions
The World Will Tremble (Feature film)
Lior Gellar Producer: Lorton Entertainment, Radiancy Pictures, Black Sheep Films, UFO Films
Adults in the Room (Feature film)
Costa Gavras Producer: KG Productions Casting Director: Jessie Frost
Blaupause (Short film)
Maya Duftschmid Producer: HFF München
Paradies (Feature film)
Andrei Konchalovsky Producer: DRIFE Filmproduktion, Andrei Konchalovsky Studios
Into The Suite (Feature film)
Detlef Bothe Producer: b-Filme
Bach in Brazil (Feature film)
Ansgar Ahlers Producer: NFP
Halt Dein Maul Tom (Short film)
Andreas Volmari Producer: Medienakademie München
Irre sind männlich (Feature film)
Anno Saul Producer: Chestnut Films
Autumn Blood (Feature film)
Supporting role Markus Blunder Producer: Mountain Films
Man in the road (Short film)
Main role George Milton Producer: 2 Many Executives
The Connoisseurs (Short film)
Main role George Milton Producer: 2 Many Executives
GG19 (Feature film)
Main role Ansgar Ahlers Producer: Movie Members
TKKG und die rästelshafte Mind-Machine (Feature film)
Supporting role Tomy Wigand Producer: Bavaria Film
Die Wolke (Feature film)
Supporting role Gregor Schnitzler Producer: Clasart Film
Supporting role Frieder Wittich Producer: HFF München
Feiertag (Feature film)
Main role Detlef Bothe Producer: Bothe/Lenz Productions
Leo & Claire (Feature film)
Supporting role Joseph Vilsmaier Producer: Perathon Film
Appetite (Feature film)
Main role George Milton Producer: G&M Entertainment
No Such Thing
Supporting role George Milton Producer: Royal College of Art, London


Tatort München - "Dreams" (TV movie)
Boris Kunz Producer: Neuesuper Station: BR
Das erste und das beste Mal (TV movie)
Andreas Herzog Producer: Construction Filmproduktion, Degeto Station: ARD
Ein Dorf wehrt sich - "Das Geheimnis von Altaussee" (TV movie)
Gabriela Zerhau Producer: Hager Moss Film Station: ZDF, ORF
Alienist (TV series)
Paco Cabezas Producer: Anonymous Content Station: TNT
Genius: EINSTEIN (TV series)
Ron Howard Producer: Fox 21 Television Station: NGC
Unter Verdacht - "Verlorene Sicherheit" (TV series)
Andreas Herzog Producer: Eikon Media Station: ZDF
Die Chefin - "Ein ehrenwertes Haus" (TV series)
Michael Schneider Producer: Network Movie Station: ZDF
37 Days (TV movie)
Justin Hardy Producer: Hardy Pictures Station: BBC
Salting The Battlefield (TV movie)
David Hare Producer: Carnival Productions Station: BBC
München '72 (TV movie)
Reporter Dror Zahavi Producer: teamWorx Station: ZDF
SOKO Donau - "Tod à la Carte" (TV series)
Supporting role Robert Sigl Producer: Satel Film Station: ZDF
Tatort - "Lohn der Arbeit" (TV series)
Main role Erich Hörtnagl Producer: epo film Station: ARD
Im Schatten der Gerechtigkeit (TV movie)
Supporting role Hans-Günther Bücking Station: Sat.1
Soko Kitzbühel (TV series)
Supporting role Gerald Liegel Producer: Beo Film Station: ZDF
Soko 5113 (TV series)
Supporting role Werner Siebert Producer: UFA Fernsehproduktion Station: ZDF
Taco & Kaninchen (TV series)
Supporting role Tanja Roitzheim-Küfner Producer: Bavaria Film Station: ARD
Das Beste aus meinem Leben (TV series)
Supporting role Matthias Tiefenbacher Producer: Pro GmbH Station: ARD
Die Entführung (TV movie)
Supporting role Johannes Grieser Producer: Maran Film
Erlkönig (TV movie)
Supporting role Urs Egger Producer: Colonia Media Station: ZDF
Annas Albtraum kurz nach 6 (TV movie)
Supporting role Roland Suso Richter u.a. Producer: teamWorx Station: ARD
Rabenbrüder (TV movie)
Supporting role Bernd Lange Producer: Gambit Station: ZDF
Die Mauer - Berlin '61 (TV movie)
Supporting role Hartmut Schoen Producer: teamWorx Station: ARD
Die Leibwächterin (TV movie)
Supporting role Markus Imboden Producer: Colonia Media Station: ZDF
Heiraten macht mich nervös
Supporting role Ariane Zeller Station: ARD
Zuckerbrot (TV movie)
Supporting role Hartmut Schoen Producer: teamWorx Station: ARD
Die Verbrechen des Professor Capellari (TV series)
Supporting role Dirk Regel Producer: Allmedia Station: ZDF
Das Duo
Supporting role René Jeisig Station: ZDF
Anwalt Abel (TV series)
durchgehende Rolle (Serie/Reihe) Olaf Kreinsen Producer: TV60 Film Station: ZDF
Vom Küssen und vom Fliegen (TV movie)
Main role Hartmut Schoen Station: ARD
Der Fahnder (TV series)
durchgehende Rolle (Serie/Reihe) Peter Adam, Hans Honert Producer: Colonia Media Station: ARD
Tatort (TV series)
Supporting role Walter Bannert Producer: Bavaria Film Station: ARD